The next two weeks our schedules didn't match up to allow us our normal email chat so we just got a short note.
Monday, May 22,2017
Hi Mom,
I love you guys so so so much! I don't know what I did to deserve you and Dad as parents, you have done so much for me. I'm so grateful for you guys. I miss you guys but that's alright, it means I love you. haha I'm so grateful that we can be together forever. I love you, Mom.
Sister Williamson shared this pictured and captioned it "shortest to tallest." To give perspective Hayden is 6'5" haha |
Monday, May 29, 2017
Hi Mom, sorry we got on early today. I want to let you
guys know that I love you guys so so much and that I am really trying super hard to
be a good missionary. It is hard sometimes but I'm really trying. I don't know
what to tell you about this week. I got kinda of sick and then I had a
meeting with all of the District Leaders at the house of Presidente. Next week I'll write you more. Today is kind of weird. I love you guys so much. I want to be the best I can. This next week should be interesting! I love you guys.
District Leader meeting at President Williams home.
June 5, 2017
Hey Mom,
We have two baptism
dates!!!!!!!! It's
awesome, they are named D and G and they are 13 and 15 respectively. Their parents are members, they never wanted to get baptized so I decided to start teaching them.
It is awesome being a District Leader. It is good. It's been fun, Elder Motyer from Celaya is here and we have had a blast. Elder Moncada is doing good and is
learning a lot.
Well I told you about the investigators. We contact a lot, 15 a day. The family V are doing very good. P the other day
told me he loved me and it was awesome. L made fun of me. I got a nose
zit so she sang Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. We always make fun of S, we
always say "no maaaaaaanches S." It's funny. O always gives me hugs. The hermano has some good work and is doing good. They are awesome! I honestly love that family sooo much!!!
I have to go Mom. I love you so much!
Hayden has said so many times even before he left, "I just want to love the people and change lives" and that he is definitely doing!
Monday, June 12, 2017
Hi Mom,
We have another baptism date! It was actually really cool. I have been pretty upset because we are working so hard but we haven't been able to have anything, it is frustrating. Sunday, a
week ago, a guy stopped me at church and he was like, "hey I'm C and I was
baptized a year ago and now my wife wants to be baptized." It was so awesome! I was
like, "of course!!!!!" We went to their house. It was funny because their phone wasn't working so we couldn't confirm the address. I was like no, we are going. So we went and then we almost couldn't find it but we kept it up. The guard at the gate was like no that dude doesn't live here, and I was like oh really. Then his wife saw us through the window and yelled hola chicos!! and I was
like yesss!!! We went in and taught her, it was cool. I taught her about how baptism is like starting over and why it's necessary to get baptized. She was like wow that's super pretty and then she was like ok I'll get baptized! It
was awesome!!
Today we
played a lot of soccer. I suck! I play goalie. haha
Gotta go. Love you Mom.
Monday, June 19,2017
did lots of splits this week. It was frustrating because all of our
meetings with the investigators with a baptism date fell this week so we had
to improvise haha. Then no one came to church, it was rough. I went with Elder Pantoja from Puebla and we worked
pretty hard. It was fun, he is my buddy. Saturday we did mini splits with other Elders that are our friends. My comp went with Elder Moncada from Honduras. haha It's funny because they have the same last name and it's not a very
common name. I went with Elder Motyer from Canada and he's my good good friend. We worked hard and found like 10 new people, it was sweet. I am blessed with lots of friends and I'm super grateful.
Hilarious! |
Monday, June 26,2017
Hey Mom,
This week was ok. We got denied like crazy but we worked hard so it was
cool. We get changes next week.
That's about all we got from him besides a little family small talk. We are anxious to hear from him tomorrow and find out if he is going to a new area.
This quote is out of the July 2017 Ensign. The First Presidency taught Elder Parley P. Pratt when he was a newly called member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. I feel like it applies to our missionaries.
"You have enlisted in a cause that requires your whole attention; ... become a polished shaft. ...You must endure much toil, much labor, and many privations to become perfectly polished. ... Your Heavenly Father requires it; the field is His; the work is His; and He will ... cheer you ... and buoy you up."
Hayden would love to hear from you. His email address is in the header of the blog. You can also leave a comment. Thank you so much for all of your love and support. We love every single one of you!!!